We are honored to receive so many positive reviews for the WomenTech Educators Training & Coaching System. Please contact us if you are interested in Professional Development.
School Level:
2-Year Colleges
4-Year Colleges

"A lot of people, including me, before I met Donna, do a lot of things that aren't necessarily recruitment, they're career awareness tools. People think if you put up a flyer that will solve the problem. Donna really taught us proven techniques to grow the program."
~ Edie Schmidt, Professor, Technology Leadership and Innovation/Supply Chain Management Technology, College of Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Purdue’s College of Technology Grew Female Enrollment from 539 to 676 (137+) after an Onsite WomenTech Training

"Last year, the Computer Science department held an Open House event for prospective students. Although a few female high school students came, none of our female faculty members could attend and there weren't any women there representing the department.
After attending the workshop with IWITTS, I was committed to making sure that didn't happen again. At this year's Open House, the College of Sciences held a special Women in Technology event in partnership with the College of Engineering. The girls who came had a great experience, they learned a lot, and I'm confident that it strengthened their resolve to pursue careers in science and engineering. Our goal is to have enough female students in science and engineering majors so that the process can become self-reinforcing."
~ Fred Martin, Associate Dean of College of Sciences, University of Massachusetts Lowell

"Even though I've managed a women in science and engineering program for many years, I found the WomenTech Educators Workshop to be very valuable. It was comprehensive and focused, and was packed full of well-organized, specific, evidence-based, and actionable strategies.
I walked away with a detailed recruitment and retention plan that can be implemented immediately. I wish I had attended this workshop when I first started in my role. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone interested in increasing the number of women in their STEM programs, and especially anyone starting out in a women in STEM program."
~ Elena Nasim, Manager of Women's Advancement Office, University of Calgary, Canada
"This workshop really answered my questions on how to interest women in IT careers, and also how to retain them. I feel I have a bag of tricks to take back home."
~ Toni Black, Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico, Alburquerque, NM
"We know that the campuses involved in our partnership in Massachusetts have low numbers of women in their computer and IT programs. Getting people together in a workshop gives them time and space that they don't have in their busy faculty lives to strategize about recruitment and retention. They get a lot of new ideas and an opportunity to talk with people from other schools and stimulate their thinking. Since the workshop, someone has already taken an idea that they had and created a specialized recruitment event for female students.
~ Renee Fall, Project Manager, Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education (CAITE), University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA
"The proactive approach to recruitment and retention of women in technology programs not only helped me with solutions, it helped me better understand the problem."
~ Beth Jeffrey, Advisor/Recruiter, University of Washington, Tacoma, Institute of Technology, Tacoma, WA
"It is really fabulous to have collected statistics and quotes available to prove to others what I have experienced to be true. Engineers like numbers, so these are useful!"
~ Rebecca Bates, Integrated Engineering Professor, Minnesota State University
"This is an empowering workshop that gives you the tools to put ideas into practice to better the institution you work for."
~ Angela Fulkerson, Academic Advisor, Montana State University-Billings, Billings, MT